
Join communities of people with similar interests. Make friends through FC2 by becoming a "Blog Friend".

  • Check who's visiting your Blog from the "Visitor List"

    Check who has been visiting your site.
    Use this to find other your visitor's blogs.
    Link up with your favorite blogs.

  • Receive applause from readers with a Blog Clap.

    Use FC2's Blog Clap for visitors to show their applause.
    You can also write thanks in response to comments on your Blog.

  • Join a Community

    Join up to any communities you have interest in.
    Communicate and talk with friends with the same interests.

  • Get more Blog Friends and message them in private.

    Meet new people through blogging and register them as "Blog Friends".
    By becoming "Blog Friends" you can message or email each other privately.

  • Connect to Twitter and Facebook!

    Connect your FC2 Blog to your Twitter account, and have it automatically create a bundle entry all the tweets that day.
    Place Facebook "Like" buttons on your blog through a single setting.