
Trans-lyric Writers Communit y


  • A community for anyone who w rites trans-lyrics for JPOP, KPOP, Vocaloid, Anime, Vide o Game songs, or any other s ongs. The lyrics can be in a ny language, though English is preferred. Anyone who cov ers songs or creates songs a re free to join as well.

    *trans-lyrics=lyrics transl ated from one language to an other, often in such a way t hat the lyrics can still be sung properly though the lan guage has been changed

    I did not think it needed t o be said but this community is 'for everyone' as it says above. If you ha ve erotic things on your blo g, please do not apply/join.
参加承認 管理者の承認は不要
公開レベル 誰でも閲覧可能
トピックの作成権限 会員であれば作成できる
コミュニティカテゴリ 音楽/アニメ・コミック/海外情報
管理人 Joker
メンバー数 5
開設日時 2014年11月23日

