


Change Language

Hi, I have trouble.
I change the language of fc2 blog from Chinese to Japanese accidentally, and cannot change it back anymore.
How or where can I change it back?

I'm not able to read Japanese, so I feel upset about t his situation now.
please reply me in English or Chinese Thanks a lot T____T

2016年02月24日 17:18  by Σ。ヮ。芮姬

コメント一覧 8件中、1~8件表示

  • Still not work for me QAQ But thanks a lot for you to help m e :))
    In fact, I always check "keep me log in" when I l og in.
    And I also tried to use different browsers
    I sent this question to FC2 staff, too, and I got no reply ><

    2016年02月27日 13:32 by Σ。ヮ。芮姬

  • I wonder why only Chinese page has such a behavior :/
    Why? plz tell me FC2 staffv-521

    2016年02月26日 21:47 by vanillaice (Akira)

  • Ok I got it..now you're talking. Mine's doing the same lol
    But I found a way to work it out.

    Click FC2 icon(via admin page)

    Change the language from Japanese to Chinese.

    DON'T CLICK "服务名称" (!important!)
    CLICK "管理页面"

    Here's the screenshot, and it works for me.
    If it doesn't work well.. way out of my league! lol


    The reason you log off all the time is you probably have ch osen "DON'T keep me signed in" :)

    2016年02月26日 21:19 by vanillaice (Akira)

  • Every time I change the language to Chinese, I'm logged out automatically by the system.
    so I click log in when the page is in Chinese. Then, I get into the page in Japanese again.

    2016年02月26日 11:01 by Σ。ヮ。芮姬

  • tried but still can't T_T

    the top of my blog appeared a line banner with Japanese sin ce I changed the language to Japanese. Now it's still t here~~

    2016年02月26日 10:59 by Σ。ヮ。芮姬

  • Umm... it's weird :/
    Did you try to clear the history(cache)?

    If you're using "adblock" or something, I gu ess you might want to temporarily disable it.

    2016年02月25日 17:55 by vanillaice (Akira)

  • I have tried that but it came out that on the FC2 ID Page it shows Chinese
    When I come back to FC2 Blog, it's still in Japanese & gt;<

    2016年02月25日 15:42 by Σ。ヮ。芮姬

  • Hi, you don't need to be upset lol.
    Click "FC2 ID" icon on the lower right(it seems t o be an unicorn icon).
    And then click "language" select box on the upper right.
    You can choose language you like or change it anytime you w ant.

    2016年02月24日 19:32 by vanillaice (Akira)