
The Tyler Group



http://katierieff2312.wordpress.com/2012/08/04/category-arch ives-arts-entertainment/

Arts & Entertainment (festivals and events at barcelona , literature, movies, musuems and monuments etc)
Barcelona spotlight’s its hidden lure
The Catalans’ seemingly endless enthusiasm for festivals an d parties means that there’s scarcely a week in the year tha t doesn’t include at least a couple. These range from the fu ll-on traditional knees-up, with giants, dwarfs and dragons wheeling through fireworks, to gentle street fairs selling a rtisanal honey and sausages, and perhaps laying on a bouncy castle.
The array of religious events and old-fashioned pageants, a ll of which spotlight what makes Catalonia unique, are suppl emented by a wide variety of more modern celebrations. You’r e just as likely to stumble across a festival of rock docume ntaries, graffiti art, hip hop or cyber sculpture as you are to see a traditional parade: Sónar alone attracts 80,000 pe ople each year.

2012年08月26日 21:54  by mondcarlo

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  • there’s no doubt that your blog has the best explanation on this matter. thanks for all you’ve done.

    2012年08月27日 21:55 by gianroquesan

  • this was awsome!! i’ve been reading them for days now. and i will continue reading your other posts.

    2012年08月27日 18:16 by

  • interesting and informative post thanks a lot for posting it .

    2012年08月26日 23:51 by

  • i would like to read your newer posts, so i will bookmark yo u. hope to see your updates.

    2012年08月26日 21:59 by mondcarlo