
Crown Capital Eco Management Org


Crown Capital Eco Management – Environmental Monitoring: Forest and Rainfor ests

source: http://crowncapitalmngt.com/farf.html

Crown Capital Eco Management strives to increase accountabi lity and transparency in the forestry sector as this will ce rtainly lead to improved management of the world's trea sured forests. We aim to initiate the development of a compl etely sustainable forestry sector that could better the live lihood of involved people while contributing positively to t he long-term economic state of the respective nations. Throu gh continuous monitoring, especially in the timber industry, and training of forest monitoring enforcement agents, Crown Capital Eco Management
aspires to build an open dialogue with involved parties.

Our group utilizes publicly available satellite data in gen erating updated digital maps of forest clearings and greenho use gas emissions, all of which provide helpful data for for est conservation authorities.

2012年10月09日 13:45  by 

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